In the new programming period, two calls for project proposals will be published under the transnational programme Alpine Space 2021-2027 – a call for standard project proposals carried out as a two-step application procedure and the first deadline under a call for small-scale project proposal submission.
Sixty-two project proposals were submitted under the call for standard projects, of which 29 were invited for submission under the second step application procedure. The submission deadline was 4 July 2022. Following the final evaluation of the submitted project proposals, the Monitoring Committee approved 14 standard projects on 19 October 2022.
The approved standard projects involve 24 project partners from Slovenia, of which three act as the lead partner.
For additional information about the approved projects, please visit https://www.alpine-space.eu/programme-2021-2027/14-classic-projects-approved-in-the-interreg-alpine-space-programme/.
The second deadline under a call for small-scale project proposals was published a few days ago. The submission deadline is 16 December 2022.
For additional information about the call for proposals, please visit https://www.alpine-space.eu/for-applicants/how-to-apply/.