Ljubljana, 29 July 2022 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EU funding for the project Renovation of the student hall of residence 1, and the facilities Depandansa with the gym (located at the Tyrševa ulica street in Maribor), phase 2: Renovation of the facility ŠD1.
The second EU funds-supported phase of the project covers energy-saving renovation and alteration of the Student hall of residence 1, which will result in thermal insulation of the walls (façade and buried wall), replacement of joinery, renovation of the roof, floors in the basement, and lighting, installation of thermostatic valves and hydraulic balancing the heating system, installation of ventilation with energy recovery (of the kitchen and bathroom), indirect heating station to lower temperature regime, rehabilitation of the heating system (load-shedding), installation of a cooling system and a system for targeted energy consumption monitoring.
The project will result in approximately 3,062.50 square metres of net floor area being renovated.
The project is in line with the objective of establishing greater energy efficiency of buildings, thus lower costs, promoting renewable and alternative energy sources, and sustainable management of public buildings.
The project worth EUR 4,815,309.30 will receive Cohesion Fund support of EUR 424,554.77.