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Z namenom pridobivanja statistike o obiskanosti spletne strani.Specifični
Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.In April 2012 the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) presented the new hydro-metric equipment which was purchased in the framework of the project Upgrade of the system for monitoring and analysing the water environment in Slovenia (BOBER). The equipment will enable more accurate and safer measurements of river flows. In the past ARSO employees measured the flow with the help of boats and hydrometric wings which was a time-consuming and dangerous procedure. The Cohesion Fund contribution for the acoustic Doppler metres of the flows for high-water and normal conditions, remote-controlled small boat and the ultrasonic metre amounts to 85% of the value, i.e. 117,500.00 Euros.
The acoustic Doppler flow metres (ADFM) enable more accurate and relatively safe measurements of the flow during high-waters or floods. Until now such measurements were almost unrealizable due to the limitations of the measuring equipment. For the measurements during normal conditions and droughts the ADFM also enhance the quality and the number of measurements and reduce the number of participants in the measuring team. The basic data of the measurements are simultaneously available for further use and analyses. In case of shallow river beds the speed metres are used. The remote-controlled small boat is used for the measurements of flows of those rivers which are too wide for the placement of two ropes and the use of manual operation and when there is no suitable bridging near the measuring site. It is also used for measurements on lakes and the sea to determine the depth as well as the direction and size of the water currents. These data are important for the direction of hydrological prognostic and general hydraulic models on rivers, lakes and at sea.
Prior to this presentation, the Agency also presented the overall prognostic system for the forecast of river flows in the banks of Sava and Soča which has been established in the framework of the project BOBER. The system contributes to accurate operational hydrological forecasts and timely flood warnings which has a significant contribution to flood protection. Indeed, the system enables monitoring the current water stages of rivers at the water gauge stations and the progress of river flows for six days in advance. It brings together the hydrological as well as the meteorological observations and predictions of the meteorological models. The system represents the main aid for the prognosticators for the overview of the current hydrological conditions, the preparation of hydrological forecast as well as timely warnings against floods. The system is, indeed, designed in such a way that it automatically turns on the models every hour when all the latest data from the hydrological and meteorological stations are gathered. The water levels, river flows, rainfall and the air temperatures are measured. According to the representatives of the Agency, the system of hydrological predictions is upgraded in such a way that it is more unified, simpler, more transparent and user-friendly.