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Z namenom pridobivanja statistike o obiskanosti spletne strani.Specifični
Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.On the road Peršeti - Most na Soči there is a steep slope below Ključ where stones often roll or fall to the roadway and for this reason the asphalt roadway was pretty damaged. The Ministry of Transport, the Slovenian Roads Agency, took a decision to reconstruct this section so as to protect vehicles and people against falling stones.
The main road with this section is a part of the connection to the 10 European corridor and also the main connection of the Upper Soča Valley and the central part of Slovenia and this is why this is also a transit connection. This part of the road is daily used especially by local population from the settlements Tolmin, Poljubinj, Prapretno, Žabče, Modrej, Modrejce, Volče and Most na Soči, and in summer also by holidaymakers and tourists.
In recent years, the upper part of the slope was already strengthened by heavy nets that were cleaned; yet, this kind of protection is not absolutely efficient. This section is located close to a natural monument called Geological layers at Ključ where fluted limestone strata can be observed and between these strata there are layers of chert.
This had to be taken in consideration when selecting a type of rehabilitation and the implementation of works.
With the project realization traffic safety will improve as the rehabilitation of the slope and the gallery prevent stones from falling on the roadway and threatening the road and its users.
In a broader context the reconstruction of the road with the construction of a gallery represents modernization of a crossborder road connection from Robič (border with Italy) via Tolmin, Cerkno and Škofja Loka to Jeprca. As a part of the reconstruction of 330 metres of the road also a 120-meter-long gallery was constructed to protect the traffic against
falling stones.
The narrow zone between the cliff and the Soča River does not offer much space and therefore the gallery is located so that the road follows almost the same route as prior to the reconstruction. On the right side of the gallery there is a cycling track fixed with a bracket, separated from the pillar and protected by guard rails.
The entire investment into the redevelopment of the rocky slope below Ključ on the section Peršeti- Most na Soči that th represents a part of the connection to the 10 European corridor amounted to EUR 2.22 million of which EUR 1.83 million will be co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.