Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo:
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Z namenom pridobivanja statistike o obiskanosti spletne strani.Specifični
Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.The Association “Društvo Mladinski ceh” deals with the social problems of the young people who, as an underprivileged social group, experience difficulties in entering the labour market. In the framework of the project an incubator of social innovations and entrepreneurship for the young people was established. The incubator has an educational module with all the supporting mechanism for the establishment of social enterprises and for the assistance in the upgrade of the existing youth organisations into social enterprises. The incubator also provides assistance in market research, preparation of business plans and introduction of products and services into the market. The incubator also provides mentorship to the social entrepreneurs or social enterprises in the starting phase of their activity. The project “Social innovators of the future” gives special emphasis on supporting green social enterprises, which act in the field of environment conservation and sustainable development. The database of the users of the incubator will be established, which is meant for tracking the users. The database will contain records of the carried-out trainings and other activities in the framework of the project; it will also monitor the activity of the social enterprises which were established in the framework of the project. Sustainability of the project will be assured with the tools such as Dobra borza (good exchange), which deals with the quotation of social enterprises at the securities market, and the alumni clubs, in the framework of which the protégées of the incubator will be able to keep in contact with each other, exchange ideas and develop new business projects in the field of social economy. The project target group are the young seeking their first employment. The objective of the project is to include 300 young people and to create 20 new jobs.
In June 2012 twenty-five young enthusiastic social innovators attended the Camp of social innovations, which took place in Jesenice, where they began with the preparation of three innovative projects, which won the call for the best proposals for web innovations which solve a certain social problem of the young people. Among other things, the purpose was to promote innovation in the field of socially responsible activities and social economy and to connect the people from various professions and interests with the objective of mutual cooperation for the realisation of creative ideas.