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Z namenom pridobivanja statistike o obiskanosti spletne strani.Specifični
Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.Number of employees: 8 career advisors and coordinator,
Number of students at University of Ljubljana: 53 000
Number of individual career consultations: 1286
Number of simulations of the selection process: 320
Number of various workshops, seminars and other events: more than 250
Number of presentations of employers and employment opportunities: 90
Number of study visits: 32 (1435 participants)
Number of career days organized at different faculties: 6
The Career Centres of the University of Ljubljana provide information about study programmes, graduate employment options and job vacancies. We also perform and organise Individual and group career consultations; workshops; presentations of employers at faculties and academics and study visits to real work environments.
The Career Centres of the University of Ljubljana are dedicated to encouraging students to plan their career path in advance, supporting them along the way and helping students and graduates make a successful transition into the labour market.