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Z namenom pridobivanja statistike o obiskanosti spletne strani.Specifični
Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.Cohesion Fund (CF) is the structural instrument which has been, since 1994, helping the Member States to reduce the economic and social differences and stabilise the economy. The Cohesion Fund finances up to 85% of all the eligible costs of major projects in the field of environment and transport infrastructure.
The Cohesion Fund is not a structural fund. The European regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund are structural funds.
If a Member State’s gross national income is lower than 90% EU average it is eligible for drawing on the funds from the Cohesion Fund. Since May 2004 such Member States are: Greece, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The projects eligible to draw on the funds from the Cohesion Fund: