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Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.
Ljubljana, 4 November 2015 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy acting as the Managing Authority for European Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a grant-award decision for the investment “Drinking water supply in the Drava river basin – lot 3” which will result in long-term and safe drinking water supply for the municipality of Dravograd, Muta, Vuzenica, Radlje of Dravi and Podvelka. The project worth almost EUR 50 million will receive Cohesion Fund support in the amount of almost EUR 30 million.
The investment covers upgrading the existing water supply systems of the individual municipalities and connecting the systems into a functional whole. The investment will result in the construction or upgrading of 111,281 metres of pipe-works, 17 water reservoirs, 9 hydro-stations and 1 monitoring centre. The project will also results in the automation and remote monitoring or telemetry for the newly-constructed and existing facilities in the above-mentioned municipalities.
The project will enable connecting additional inhabitants to the public drinking water supply system, reducing water losses and improving the quality of drinking water supply and living conditions for the inhabitants.
For more information about the project contact Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.