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23.4 million Euros available for the development of border areas with Croatia

Ljubljana, 7 December 2012 – In today’s Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology published the Fifth public call for proposals to select the operations within the main type of activity “Development of border areas with Croatia” in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007–2013, priority axis “Development of Regions”. A grant of 23,370,220 Euros is available in 2013 and 2014 for the co-financing of investments into municipal infrastructure in the settlements within a 10-kilometre border area with the Republic of Croatia, of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to 19,864,687 Euros. 

Local self-governing communities, which are also investors and project operators, can apply for the funds of the public call for proposals. The grant will be awarded for the co-financing of the approved projects of transport, environment and economic infrastructure in the border area with the Republic of Croatia, namely:

• construction and/or reconstruction of local roads and public paths
• construction, reconstruction and/or renovation of water supply systems
• construction of the system of wastewater discharge and treatment
• municipal arrangement of lands meant for new constructions or the expansion of smaller trade, business or industry zones

The objective of the public call for proposals is to solve the problem of the access of the inhabitants to the public infrastructure in 58 municipalities in the Southern border of the European Union and, thus, to preserve the settlements of the areas in the Slovenian-Croatian border.    

The deadline for turning in the applications is 1 February 2013.
You can find more information about the public call for proposals, after its publication in the Official Gazete of the Republic of Slovenia, at the web page of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, www.mgrt.gov.si, namely in the section official publications – public calls for proposals (NB: the information is available only in Slovene).   

The public call for proposals, which is part-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, is implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007–2013, priority axis “Development of Regions”, main type of activity “Development of border areas with Croatia”. 




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