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Ljubljana, 24 July 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the public call for proposals for the co-financing of the activities in 2013–2015 which promote internationalisation of the Slovenian higher education. The overall framework value of the grant, which the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport will give for the public proposal, is a little under 4 million Euros. European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent. The public call for proposals is meant for the higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia.
The purpose of the public call for proposals, which will be published by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, is to promote the internationalization of higher education, particularly through the increased involvement of foreign experts in the teaching and research process in the Slovenian higher education institutions. This will encourage greater openness of the Slovenian higher education for the international environment. Increased participation of the Slovenian higher education with partners in the European and global environment will lead to the development of a quality and internationally comparable system of higher education.
The public call for proposals will support those aspects of internationalization which promote the involvement of foreign experts in the teaching and research process and activities that enhance the visibility of the Slovenian higher education institutions in the international environment. These include the employment of foreign experts in the higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia for a longer period of time (at least one semester), short visits of foreign experts in the Slovenian higher education institutions to participate in the execution of individual parts or entire subject area, organization of international workshops with invited speakers and raising the profile of the Slovenian higher education institutions in the international environment.
For more information you can contact the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, which will publish the public call for proposals and is responsible for the public call for proposals.