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Z namenom pridobivanja statistike o obiskanosti spletne strani.Specifični
Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.
The subject of the call for proposals is the provision of counselling for the less-educated and other vulnerable groups of adults, primarily for those who have finished up to a four-year secondary education programme, are older than 45 and are employed, for those who are older than 50 and are unemployed, for younger adults who dropped out early, for the Roma, migrants, convicted persons and the persons from less developed regions.
The call for proposals will enable participants to enrol in education or training and/or acquire a qualification which is attested by an official document (e.g. national vocational qualification, specialisation, certificate for a foreign language, ECDL certificate).
For more information please contact the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport acting as the Intermediate Body for the abovementioned call for proposals.