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Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.
Ljubljana, 17 December 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the call for proposals to select operations for the development of human resources in sports. The total value of the grant under this call, allocated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, amounts to 900,000 euros. The European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 per cent of the value or 765,000 euros.
The aim of the call for proposals is to create synergies between the development of younger expert human resources in the field of sports and the established professionals (coaches), enhance the development of double career of top sports athletes and their guided and soft transition from top competition career into a career of expert sports professionals in the future development of sports in Slovenia. The call would also integrate the scientific-research work in the field of sports with the work of expert coaches in practice which would enable a direct transfer of experiences and new knowledge into their work as well as the growth and development of human resources working with younger age categories.
The call for proposals is divided into three sets which are integrated and create synergies between the development of human resources, their career and the scientific-research work. This will raise the level of competence to enhance the level of employability and mobility in the labour market and strengthen the professional development of workers in the field of sports and sport-related activities.
More information: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.