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EU funds for learning of foreign languages

Ljubljana, 11 October 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision for the project “Enriched learning of foreign languages 2013-2015” which will contribute to better communication in foreign languages. The project, worth 700,000 euros will be co-financed by the European Social Fund in the amount of 600,000 euros. 

The project “Enriched learning of foreign languages 2013-2015” is an upgrade of the successful projects from previous periods and will help to improve the ability to communicate in foreign languages. Numerous activities will take place which will contribute to the development of mechanisms and instruments to raise language literacy or the learning of foreign languages.

The project aims to improve the quality of planning and implementation of foreign-language education in primary and secondary schools, to set up, additionally train and support with expertise the core network model of schools as the centres for sustainable implementation of professional training of teachers for enriched foreign language learning and to develop the final strategic document for a systematic placement of foreign language teachers in the implementation curriculums of the Slovenian primary and secondary schools.

The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport – www.mizs.gov.si. 

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