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Ljubljana, 12 November 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the project “Lifelong learning of headmasters – capacity building for management of schools and kindergartens III” (LLL III). The project is worth 274,330 euros. The European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 per cent of the value or 233,180.50 euros.
More and more researches underline the significance of the management of schools to improve pupils’ achievements, including the international guidelines by the EU and the OECD which stress the importance of capacity building of the heads in the education process as being significant for the efficiency of the school systems. This includes the promotion of the approaches which enhance the innovative environment of capacity building by integrating the heads with the environment and other schools and which provide the headmasters with an attractive dimension and support for new forms of effective and responsible autonomy of schools.
Slovenia is also actively involved in these endeavours and is designing capacity building for headmasters as well as providing the adequate conditions for their work. The National School for Leadership in Education developed a concept of lifelong learning for headmasters and other professional staff. The project LLL III is a continuation and upgrade of the project LLL II which is based on the evaluation of individual programmes and new knowledge of experts. The aim of the project is to design and test the forms and contents of capacity building of headmasters for which the evaluation of the programme within LLL II showed to be most effective (project work, hachuring, peer learning, work in workshops) as well as the upgraded model of support for schools in operation (support in management of schools at the normative and financial area, concrete assistance in the preparation and implementation of normative acts).
Special emphasis will be given to the cooperation of headmasters outside the school, mutual cooperation (mentorship, professional and expert meetings) and forms of professional advancement of headmasters (testing the model of issuing certificates). The project will include 3200 participants of the education and capacity building programmes, also 10 handbooks and other material will be designed.
For more information contact the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.