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EU funds for new career prospects

Ljubljana, 18 April 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued 4 decisions awarding EU funds for the projects “New career prospects”. The projects’ objective is to strengthen human capital, create new jobs, promote employability of young people in the field of culture, strengthen innovation and competitiveness, strengthen the effectiveness of the cultural sector and promote lifelong learning. The projects were prepared by the Ministry of Culture together with four national public institutes in the field of music and performing arts.  

The Slovenian National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana will use the project to help young people to acquire career and working experience regarding public appearances in opera performances and concerts. You people will be able to participate in the technical preparation of performances and their execution, production of scene elements, which will, among other things, also affect the development of the individual's specific skills, knowledge and abilities. The overall framework amount of the grant for this project is 400,446.61 Euros, of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value.

The Slovenian Philharmonic, the Slovenian Chamber Choir will include young people in a full-time work programme of the public institute. They will provide mentoring and support for rapid integration into the implementation of programmes. The overall framework amount of the grant for this project is 230,000 Euros, of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value.

The Slovenian National Theatre Maribor - Drama, Opera, Ballet will enable training with the transfer of knowledge to young people. They will include specific profiles into the work of the public institute and provide training and education for certain jobs. They will enable artists to gain work experience and references in Slovenia and abroad. The overall framework amount of the grant for this project is 440,000 Euros, of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value.

The Slovenian National Theatre Drama Ljubljana will implement a theatre education programme called Young Drama. This is a programme of cultural education with a focus on theatre education which will, through the employment of young people, have a significant impact on the long-term strategy of the number of visits of the Ljubljana Drama. It is estimated that at the closure of the project the number of visits of young people of the theatre will increase if compared to the previous period. The overall framework amount of the grant for this project is 220,000 Euros, of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value.

For more information on the implementation of individual projects please contact the above-mentioned public institutes.

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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