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Ljubljana, 30 October 2015 – Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, acting as the Managing Authority for European Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the call for proposal for capacity building of NGOs in the field of advocacy and public services for the period 2015-2019. The project will focus on enhancing cross-sectoral cooperation, integration and establishing partnerships with the aim of addressing social challenges.
The subject of the call for proposals is co-financing of projects implemented by the horizontal network of NGOS at the national level, regional hubs of NGOs and thematic networks of NGOs at the national level. This investment aims to continue and upgrade the services of the supportive environment for NGOs with the aim of facilitating their long-term development and cooperation of NGOs with regard to the design of public policies. The projects will be implemented in cohesion region Vzhodna Slovenija and cohesion region Zahodna Slovenija. The call for proposals is part financed by the European Union under European Social Fund in the framework of 2014-2020 European Cohesion Policy.
Opening of applications will take place on 3 December 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the premises of Ministry of Public Administration (Tržaška 21, SI-1000 Ljubljana). Documents relating to the call for proposals are available at http://www.mju.gov.si/si/delovna_podrocja/nevladne_organizacije/aktualno/. A workshop presenting the call for proposals will be organised with the date, place and agenda of the workshop posted at the dedicated website of the Ministry of Public Administration http://www.mju.gov.si/si/delovna_podrocja/nevladne_organizacije/aktualno/.
For more information contact Ministry of Public Administration.