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Ljubljana, 5 December 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the call for proposals Promoting employment of first-job seekers in education and schooling. The total indicative value of the grant, awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport for the call amounts to 699,993 euros of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 594,994.05 euros.
The funds of the call for proposals will be targeted at facilitating new opportunities for employment of youth, mainly fist-time job seekers, in education and schooling, representing the vulnerable group in the labour market requiring a more intensive and comprehensive support for integration and training to perform in the workplace independently. The call for proposals will contribute to the acquisition of competences and experiences as well as to keeping jobs or employment in education and schooling.
You can find more information about the call for proposals at the website of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (http://www.mizs.gov.si) which is responsible for the implementation of the call for proposals.