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EU funds for raising social and cultural capital in local communities for the development of equal opportunities and the promotion of social inclusion

Ljubljana, 6 March 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the project “Raising social and cultural capital in local communities for the development of equal opportunities and the promotion of social inclusion”. The project, the overall value of which amounts to 1.2 million Euros, will be implemented by the National school for leadership in education. The European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the total value.    

The purpose of the project is to develop employment opportunities, alternative employments, flexible forms of employment and prevention of unemployment. The objective of the project is to explore the impact of the factors of social and cultural capital on employment opportunities; to prepare starting points and guidelines for raising social and cultural capital; to prepare the implementation of programmes for its improvement within the chosen educational institutions with the promotion of the significance of informal knowledge and the cooperation of social partners; to introduce flexible forms of the organization of work at the educational institutions; to monitor the implementation of project activities and, finally, to spread the results as effectively as possible.          

By introducing new forms of the organization of work and with the improvement of the quality of education, new pedagogical strategies and mechanisms will be implemented in at least 30 schools and kindergartens. The proposed activities will also ensure direct cooperation of the school or kindergarten with other local communities. 

You can find more information at the website of the National school for leadership in education (http://en.solazaravnatelje.si/) and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport (http://www.mizks.gov.si/en/), the latter acting as the Intermediate Body responsible for the implementation of the project.               

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