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EU funds for Regional Centre for Water Management Nova Gorica

Ljubljana, 16 August 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the project “Regional Centre for Waste Management CERO Nova Gorica”. The value of the project, which is foreseen to be closed by the end of 2015, is estimated to 47 million Euros of which the contribution of the Cohesion Fund amounts to 24.7 million Euros.    

13 municipalities of the Goriška statistical region are included in the project which foresees the construction of the regional centre for waste management Nova Gorica and the construction of a landfill with a treatment plant for leachate at the location of the existing landfill Stara gora.  

After the construction of the planned infrastructure for the treatment and processing of waste and the increase of the share of separately collected fractions at the source, the quantity of the remaining waste annually disposed will amount to 13,787 tons (in 2015) or 25 per cent in relation to the overall quantity of waste – 55,500 tons (in 2015). It is expected that by 2020 the quantity of mixed municipal waste will be gradually reduced as a result of the increase in the quantity of separately collected fractions.      

In the framework of the new centre for waste management the following facilities will also be constructed:

  • facility for biological drying and physical treatment
  • compositing facility 1 (tunnel implementation)
  • compositing facility 2 (sitting of compost before being landfilled – composting in heaps is foreseen)
  • waste sorting unit
  • facility for bulky waste treatment    
  • other kind of infrastructure (storage facility, press and baler under the eaves, transformer station, process water pool, retention basin, etc.)
  • landfill cell
  • treatment plant for leachate with an outflow channel (pressure conduit)     


The following socio-economic objectives will be realised with the implementation of the project:

  • reduced emission in soil, water and air – reduced emissions of greenhouse gasses
  • reduced smell and poor appearance of the environment
  • water sources protection, especially the protection of drinking water sources
  • reduced health risks
  • increased quality of life for the inhabitants
  • increased awareness of the inhabitants of the importance of reducing the quantity of waste and education on sustainable practices of waste management, including adequate waste separation (informing the public already during the construction phase as well as the centre’s operational phase)
  • new jobs for the local population
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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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