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EU funds for the co-financing of public cultural infrastructure projects

Ljubljana, 9 August 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the Third call for proposals to co-finance public cultural infrastructure, published by the Ministry of Culture. The framework amount of funds for the co-financing of the investments in construction, rehabilitation, reconstruction, overall revitalisation and modernisation of public cultural infrastructure owned by municipalities amounts to a little over 7 million Euros. The European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to 85 per cent or a little over 6 million Euros.  

The objective of the call for proposals is the promotion of investments in public cultural infrastructure owned by municipalities by 2015 through the co-financing of investments into the facilities of public cultural infrastructure of municipalities as well as though creation of new jobs in the field of cultural creativity and the service sector. Municipalities as the owners of public cultural infrastructure, which the Act Regulating the Realisation of the Public Interest in the Field of Culture defines as publically-owned real estate and equipment and defined as such by the decision of the competent public authority of the local community, will be the sole beneficiaries to the funds under this call for proposals.

The call for proposals was published on 9 August 2013 by the Ministry of Culture which is the body, responsible for providing further information regarding the call for proposals. 

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