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EU funds for the construction of the cycle track Brezovica – Log

Ljubljana, 19 February 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the construction of the 3 kilometres long sub-section of the cycle track Brezovica – Log. The project, which is worth 5.9 million Euros, was prepared by the Slovenian Roads Agency. The project is part of the cycle track from Brezovica to Logatec and will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 4.4 million Euros.     
The cycle track, which runs from Brezovica to Logatec, represents a section of the long-distance cycle track from the international border crossing Šentilj to Koper. The cycle track runs along the national road through the settlements of Brezovica, Log, Drenov Grič and Vrhnika where it turns left to the local road and continues through the settlements Hrib, Kamberce, Ravenski Grič to Logatec.   
The overall project of the cycling connection Brezovica – Vrhnika – Log is implemented in several stages. Over the past years a little under 8 kilometres of cycle track has been constructed, in the following years it is foreseen that over 12 kilometres of the cycle track will be constructed.  
Besides the construction of the cycle track the project also foresees setting up 8 crossroads and connections and rearrangement of two crossroads, setting up corridors for pedestrians in the entire section, 5 bus stops, municipal conduits, drainage and public lighting, signalisation and road equipment.  
The main objective of the project, which is foreseen to be finished in August 2015, is to ensure greater traffic safety for cyclists and other road users and enable the connection with the international cycling network. The project will contribute to the reduction of the negative impacts on the environment and the improvement of the living conditions and, last but not least, to the development of tourism. 
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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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