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EU funds for the cycling track between Solkan and Plave

Ljubljana, 20 August 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision granting EU funds for the construction of the 9.27 kilometres of the two way cycling track between Solkan and Plave. The project, which is worth 4.9 million Euros, is part of the Operational Programme for the Development of the Environmental and Transport Infrastructure for the period 2007–2013. The project will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 3.4 million Euros.  

The section, which is foreseen to be constructed by the end of 2014, is part of the approximately 34 kilometre long cycling track between Miren, Vtrojba, Nova Gorica and Kanal. The newly-constructed part of the cycling track between Solkan and Plave will also connect the Soklan Sports Park with the valley Spodnja Soška dolina which will bring an increase of cyclists in this area.    

The project will bring safer cycling and better equipment of the cycling network in Slovenia. The project will also contribute to meeting the conditions for future development of tourism in the region. The cycling track between Miren, Vtrojba, Nova Gorica and Kanal is part of the cycling connection between Nova Gorica and Predel; in the future the cycling path will also be connected with Italy and Austria. This will further strengthen the tourist attraction of the area.       

The funds of the EU Cohesion Policy are also foreseen for five cycling projects in Slovenia, namely for the following cycling connections:

  • Kranjska Gora–Gozd Martuljek–Jesenice
  • Jesenice–Lesce–Bled
  • Brezovica–Vrhnika–Logatec
  • Podčetrtek-Imeno
  • Škofije –Koper–Piran–border with Croatia. 

With the exception of the last cycling connection all of the decisions granting EU funds have already been issued, they are already being constructed or are in the final phase of construction.  

Slovenia Roads Agency is responsible for the management of the mentioned cycling tracks which also prepared the documentation for drawing on the EU funds for the cycling projects. 


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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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