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EU funds for the Emergency Centre Brežice

Ljubljana, 18 May 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, as the Managing Authority for the EU structural fund and the Cohesion Fund, approved the project Emergency Centre Brežice. The realisation of the project will establish conditions for the service of emergency medical assistance in the area of Posavje; also the project will merge the primary and hospital emergency services in one location. The Emergency Centre will, in a single location, provide overall services of continuous medical assistance with essentially better possibilities of diagnostic and therapeutic treatment. The overall value of the project which is co-financed by in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007-2013 is 2,070,688 Euros. The European Regional Development Fund contribution is 1,572,214 Euros.

The objective of the project is to increase the speed and effectiveness of treating emergency cases in the statistical region of Spodnje Posavje and ensure adequate coordination with other emergency centres of higher professional level. The investment will bring greater effectiveness and better accessibility as well as a higher professional level of continuous emergency medical assistance.   

In the emergency centre construction, craftsman and installation works for the finalisation of the construction will be realised. The needed equipment for the ground floor of the central intensive therapy with post-anaesthesia unit will be purchased. The investment will bring a higher level of effectiveness of activities (the merger of three emergency services – primary, internist and surgical, shortening the transport route) and will present a single location of the activity which is now done in unsuitable rooms. Improving the effectiveness and quality of the services also bring the possibility of shortening the length of stay, the length of waiting for medical treatment (half hour shorter per patient) and the decrease of the danger for hospital infections.    

The extent of services done in the new emergency service will increase by 12.5%. New services, which are in conditions of the current infrastructure not possible to perform, will be done in the new centre such as emergency services at the primary level and patient observation. The death rate of the emergency patients will decrease by 10% which statistically at the annual level means one life preserved and prevention of one permanent disability. 

The entire service of emergency medical assistance (primary and secondary) will be merged in the modern Emergency Centre Brežice having specialists from various fields. Limiting the possibility of hospital infections of the emergency patients will bring lower expenses for antibiotics, the number of the unnecessary acute treatments will decrease and the costs of treating emergency patients will decrease due to the foreseen shortening of the length of stay.      

The project will contribute to the improvement of health, longer life and quality living conditions of the inhabitants in the region. 

The investment realises the objective of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007-2013, priority axis “Economic-Development Infrastructure”. The authority responsible for the implementation of the project is the Ministry of Health. 

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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