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EU funds for the Šmartno pri Litija bypass

Ljubljana, 19 February 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the construction of 1.4 kilometre section of the Šmartno pri Litiji bypass. The project, which is worth over 8 million Euros, was prepared by the Slovenian Roads Agency. The European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to 4.2 million Euros.     
Šmartno is an important traffic crossroads at Litija pri Zasavju ehich goes through the valley Jablaniška dolina into Moravče and the valley Mirnska dollina, through Bogenšperk into the valley Temeniška dolina and through Zavrstnik in the direction of Ljubljana. In the wider space, this is an important connection of the Sava valley with the region of Dolenjska, as the main road Ljubljana – Zidani most connects through the dolenjska highway through Šmartno. In Šmartno the regional road Ljubljana – Šmartno pri Litiji, which represents another connection to Ljubljana, splits from the highway.     
In Laze the planned bypass road at Šmartno pri Litiji, which is 1,408 metres long, directs from the regional road Litija – Šmartno pri Litiji towards Šmarsko polje, it then crosses Reka and in the centre of Šmartno crosses the regional road Šmartno pri Litiji – Ljubež v Lazih. It then goes through the complex of the former leather factory (IUV) and in the Western side of Črni potok; it then connects to the existing regional road Šmartno pri Litiji – Radohava vas.        
Besides the constructed bypass, the project, which is foreseen to close at the end of 2015, foresees the construction of a roundabout (between the projected bypass road and the settlement Šmartno and the regional road Besnica - Radeče), 12 metres long bridge over the stream Reka and the culvert over Črni potok. The project also foresees pedestrian crossings and a two-sided one-way cycle track throughout the entire bypass path.     
The foreseen construction of the bypass is an important factor of development for the settlement Šmartno pri Litiji and, consequently, the entire municipality, as the transitivity and accessibility in the path Litija – Ivančna Gorica (Zasavje - Dolenjska) will be improved. The realisation of the project will increase traffic safety; also the negative effects on the environment will decrease substantively.   
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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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