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EU funds for the programme “50plus”

Ljubljana, 9 May 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the programme “50plus”. The overall value of the programme, which will be implemented by the Employment Service of Slovenia, is 6,739,000 Euros. The European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the overall value.     

The objective of the programme is the integration of older unemployed persons in active employment policy measures. The target group is the unemployed persons older than 50 years who have been registered as unemployed for at least 6 months and the employers selected through a public call for proposals. In the framework of the programme grants will be awarded for full-time employment for a period of 18 months in the amount of 8,000 Euros.

Activities aim at addressing short-term and other problems in the field of employment of older unemployed persons. This will, inter alia, strengthen the impact on their personal and career development while the length of the integration will strengthen the impact on its sustainability.

The programme will contribute to:

  • promotion of employment of the people at a disadvantage in the labour market (older)
  • promoting equal opportunities in the labour market
  • reducing disparities between regions (in accordance with the methodology of the Service for the establishment of regional shares of inclusion; regional shares take into account the characteristics of each region according to the target group or problem)

For more information contact the Employment Service of Slovenia (beneficiary) or the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (intermediate body). 

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