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EU funds for the project “E-school bag”

Ljubljana, 19 February 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the project “E-school bag”. The project will contribute to developing e-contents within Slovenian schools, especially in the field of social sciences, and will ensure accessibility and support for the developed e-services and e-contents. The overall value of the investment amounts to 5 million Euros. The European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to 4.25 million Euros. 

With the realisation of the project the adequate infrastructure at the level of educational establishments will be established. Also, the conditions for the future development of modern e-contents in the Slovenian language will be fulfilled. Among other things, the adequate support for the use in the pedagogical or organisational and management process will be set up.    

Consequently, the level of e-competences and the knowledge of the Slovenian teachers and, indirectly, also the competitiveness of Slovenian pupils and students will be higher. With the support of the counsellors and experts the developed e-services and e-contents will be tested in practice and within the pilot network of the included educational establishments; later the use of the e-services and e-contents will be enabled to all the educational establishments within the Slovenian educational environment. The project will also contribute to greater and more affordable access to quality e-contents for the pupils, students and teachers.      

The investment directly contributes to the realisation of the objectives of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007-2013, main type of activity “Economic development infrastructure”. You can contact the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, which is responsible for the implementation of the project, for more information.  

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