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EU funds for the project “Educational Hotel Astoria Bled – 2nd phase”

Ljubljana, 25 April 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, in the role of the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the project “Educational Hotel Astoria Bled – 2nd phase”. The Hotel, first of its kind in Slovenia, is intended for catering and tourism professions education. The Hotel will contribute to better quality of education of future employees in catering and tourism. The overall value of the project, which is realised in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Differences for the period 2007–2013, is 6.2 million Euros. The European Regional Development Fund contribution is 3.5 million Euros.  

The objective of the investment for the 2nd phase of the renovation of the Hotel Astoria Bled is the establishment of the system of an educational hotel in the framework of the Bled Vocational College for Catering and Tourism and, thus, improvement of the quality of education of future employees in catering and tourism. The educational hotel is, on the one hand, an educational institution which has to ensure the best possible conditions for education. On the other hand, it acts as any other hotel which has to provide quality hotel services to its guests. The educational activities supplement the hotel services and this means that the hotel is occupied also in the off-peak-season.

Part of the hotel is already organised into an educational hotel and is used by the students of the Bled Vocational College for Catering and Tourism. The investment for the 2nd phase of the renovation of the Hotel Astoria Bled will confirm the status of an educational hotel, which means that the hotel will become the first hotel in Slovenia intended for catering and tourism professions education.    


The right tract of the hotel will be renovated in the framework of the 2nd phase, including:

  • reconstruction and rearrangements of the rooms, including the accompanying rooms
  • overall energy rehabilitation and hydro-rehabilitation of the existing segment of the hotel
  • construction of a new gas boiler house 
  • partial rearrangement of the kitchen
  • rearrangement of the restaurant
  • construction of a pool area of the hotel 
  • construction of the garages 


The project contributes to the realisation of the objectives of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Differences for the period 2007–2013, priority axis “Integration of Natural and Cultural Potentials”. After two years of project realisation the number of overnight stays will increase to 25,051 and two new jobs will be created.  

The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in the role of the intermediate body is responsible for the project. 

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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