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EU funds for the project “Infrastructure of Metrology System – Temperature and Humidity”

Ljubljana, 23 July 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, directly approved the project “Infrastructure of metrology system – Temperature and Humidity”. The overall value of the project is 375,000 Euros. European Regional Development Fund contribution is 318,750 Euros. 

The subject of the project is the purchase of the following equipment:

1. new generation of open fixed cells

2. special liquid nitrogen bath

3. reference pyrometer

4. black body in the form of a heat pipe with the associated equipment

5. dew point hygrometer

6. precision instrument for measuring the drying of moisture in materials.

The investment will contribute to the introduction of new calibration methods and procedures, the expansion of the dynamic area and the improvement of the existing measurement insecurities for the successful traceability of the measurement of temperature and humidity. Slovenia follows the schedule of the development of metrology in Europe, which is in accordance with the plan of development of the world metrology. To continue the successful tracing of temperature and humidity, it is necessary to use open the fixed cells, new cells of eutectic alloys, as well as the thermocouples from pure materials. It is also necessary to further develop the non-contact measurements and the new definition of the unit for thermodynamic temperature Kelvin.   

The purchase of the new equipment will enable the improvement of the metrological performance and modernization of development-research infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia. This will contribute to the increase of our competitiveness in the global marketplace and to better carry out tasks (accurate and reliable measurement) within the national measurement system. 

The project, which is focused on supporting new priority areas of the strategic development of the European Union (management of energy efficiency, medical diagnostics, environmental issues and support for new technologies), contributes to the objectives of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007–2013. Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible for the implementation of the investment.           

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