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EU funds for the project of drinking water supply in the Sotla river basin

Ljubljana, 5 December 2012 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision granting EU funds for the project of drinking water supply in the Sotla river basin. The project, which is worth 20.3 million Euros, will be co-financed by the Cohesion Fund in the amount of over 11.9 million Euros.   

With the realisation of the project, for the preparation of which six municipalities of the region of Savinja, namely Kozje, Podčetrtek, Rogaška Slatina, Šmarje pri Jelšah, Rogatec and Šentjur, joined forces, approximately 32,000 inhabitants will be provided with better and safer drinking water supply while 1,115 inhabitants will be newly-connected to the water supply system. 

The existing facilities and pipelines in the area do not meet the modern standards. Due to too many users the existing water system is overburdened. The water reservoirs do not meet all the demands for drinking water and a portion of the inhabitants get their drinking water from their own, mostly inadequate water sources, or so do not have an adequate water supply.   

The realisation of the investment will reduce water losses and assure reliable and quality drinking water supply, the water sources will be better insured and the living conditions of the inhabitants will improve.     

In the framework of the project, which is part of the Operational Programme for the Development of the Environmental and Transport Infrastructure for the period 2007–2013 and is foreseen to close by October 2015, 61.3 kilometres of the existing water distribution system will be modernised and additionally 27.4 kilometres of the water distribution system will be built, together with the belonging facilities. Also 10 discharges, 10 water reservoirs, 8 pumping stations and one station for chlorination will be built.  

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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