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EU funds for the project of educating older adolescents and adults with disabilities

Ljubljana, 21 August 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the project in the field of education and training of older adolescents and adults with disabilities. The projects will be implemented by the centres for education, rehabilitation and training (Cirius) in Vipava and Kamnik. The overall framework amount of the grant, which will be awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, is 300,000 Euros. The European Social Fund contribution amounts to 255,000 Euros.    

The objective of the project “Transition model – Programme of additional training for adults – Cirius Vipava” is to develop a model of counselling, implementation and additional training and education of older adolescents and adults with disabilities. The programme will include the basic elements of planning, management and implementation of additional professional and employment training. The programme will prepare the persons with disabilities for a more flexible transition into partial, intermittent employment of self-employment in the local environment. The additional training will enable them to acquire new knowledge, skills and competences for a more independent, equal and inclusive life within a wider community. The value of the project is 150,000 Euros of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 127,500 Euros.   

The second project “Transition model – Programme of additional training for adults – Cirius Kamnik” will enable movement-impaired persons under the age of 30 to continue with education and training for work. This way they will stay involved in the lifelong learning system after regular education; this will also enable them to be involved in work programmes. For the movement-impaired young adults the programme will provide greater flexibility and independence as well as an easier inclusion into the wider social environment. The value of the project is 150,000 Euros of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 127,500 Euros.          

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, which will provide additional information about the project, is responsible for the implementation of the project.   

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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