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EU funds for the reconstruction of the main road Bača – Dolenja Trebuša

Ljubljana, 12 September 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the reconstruction of 6.4 kilometres of the main road Bača – Dolenja Trebuša. The project, which is worth 10.3 million Euros and is foreseen to be finished by April 2015, is co-financed by the European Union, namely by the European Regional Development Fund in the amount of 8.3 million Euros. 

This section of the road is located within the 4th development axis, which runs from the former border crossing Robič, through Kobarid, Tolmin, Most na Soči, Cerkno, Gorenja vas, Škofja Loka to Jeprca. This is the main transport connection of cross-border significance which connects Italy and the area of Udine with Central Slovenia.  

The section, which will be renovated, begins in the areas of the crossroads with the regional road Bača – Podbrdo (at the end of the bridge over the river Bača in the settlement Bača at Modrej) and ends in the area of the crossroads with the regional road Solkan – Dolenja Trebuša. The road goes through the settlements Bača pri Modreju, Idrija pri Bači, Slap ob Idrijci and through several smaller hamlets. The project will be implemented in the area of the municipality of Tolmin, which is the economic, employment, administrative, supply and cultural centre of the upper area of Posočje or the so-called Zgornje Posočje. The users of this road are the members of the community as well as the tourists, especially from the tourist developed area of Zgornje Posočje.  

The reconstruction of this section is the first part of the renovation of the main road Bača – Dolenja Trebuša in the length of 8.5 kilometres. In the framework of the project, besides the reconstruction of the road, 552 metres of pillars and supporting walls will be built, 600 metres of stone wall along the edge road and in the areas of the construction of new assembly passages will be built and public lighting in the length of 1,990 metres will be arranged. For the second part, in the framework of which bigger interventions are foreseen, spatial placement of the road line is still underway.    

During the reconstruction of the road there will be a half-barrier and traffic light; temporarily, traffic will be redirected also to the bypass roads. The full-barrier on the main road is not possible as the surrounding bypass roads do not assure the adequate technical elements for redirecting traffic.  

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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