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EU funds for the renovation of the multipurpose centres Bonifika and Podmežakla

Ljubljana, 21 March 2013 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the project “Renovation of the multipurpose centre Bonifika” and “Sports centre Podmežakla – 2nd phase”. The overall value of both projects is 10.8 million Euros, of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to 4.2 million Euros.     

In the framework of the project Renovation of the multipurpose centre Bonifika in Koper the indoors and outdoors will be renovated as well as the upgrade of the energy system and equipment will be carried out. The objective of the project is to ensure the conditions for a rational operation of the centre and its use for hosting national and international sports competitions, cultural and other events. The realisation of the investment will contribute to the enrichment of the tourist offer, development of other services, new jobs and enhancing the recognition of Slovenia throughout Europe and the world. The overall value of the project amounts to a little under 2.8 million Euros, of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to 1.2 million Euros.   

The objective of the project “Sports centre Podmežakla – 2nd phase” is to set up a multipurpose centre which will host – with the exception of the events on ice – up to 5,500 visitors (currently, the centre hosts up to 4,500 visitors). Additional evacuation exits, a new fire staircase and elevators, additional and VIP areas, additional ramps and cabins for commentators will be set up. The roof and the façade will also be renovated. The realisation of the investment will ensure the conditions for organising various events at the highest international level; it will also strengthen the tourist offer and the development of tourism in the region of Gorenjska. The overall value of the project amounts to over 8 million Euros, of which the European Regional Development Fund contribution amounts to a little under 3 million Euros.     

Both projects directly contribute to the realisation of the objectives of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007-2013, priority axis “Integration of natural and cultural potentials”. The ministry, responsible for the implementation of both projects, is the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports where you can also find additional information about the projects. 

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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