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EU funds for wastewater collection and treatment in Ljubljanica and Sora river basins

Ljubljana, 16 August 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the projects of wastewater collection and treatment in the Ljubljanica river basin and the Sora river basin. The overall estimated value of both projects, which are foreseen to be closed by the end of 2015, is 35.6 million Euros of which the contribution of the Cohesion Fund amounts to 25 million Euros.    
The project Wastewater collection and treatment in the Ljubljanica river basin (4th set) – Nature Park Ljubljansko Barje foresees the construction of a sewage system and a wastewater treatment plant in the local community Podpeč – Preserje. The project includes the construction of a sewage system in the length of 32,852 metres, the construction of two pumping stations, two vacuum stations and the construction of the wastewater treatment plant Podpeč-Preserje. Additional 2,275 inhabitants will be connected to wastewater collection and treatment which will reduce the burden on the environment and improve the quality of surface and groundwater. This will also reduce the emissions into the water from the municipal sources of pollution, which will, among other things, improve heath and living conditions of the inhabitants. The value of the project is estimated to 19.2 million Euros of which the Cohesion Fund contribution amounts to 11.6 million Euros.      
The project Drinking water supply in the Sora river basin foresees the integrated solution of drinking water supply in the area of the municipalities Škofja Loka – Gorenja vas – Poljane. The realisation of the project will ensure quality water sources and the implementation of hydraulic improvements as well as the connection of additional inhabitants to the water supply network. 35,370 metres of new pipeline will be constructed as well as three pumping stations with wells, five reservoirs, collection shaft for wells and chlorination station and the water reservoir Hotovlje will be constructed. Thus, 22,107 inhabitants will have better and safer drinking water supply while 34 inhabitants of the municipality Gorenja vas-Poljane will be connected anew. The realisation of the project will ensure better and safer public supply of drinking water; also the living conditions of the inhabitants will be improved. The value of the project is estimated to 16.4 million Euros of which the Cohesion Fund contribution amounts to 8.9 million Euros.                 
The funds of the Operational Programme for the Development of the Environmental and Transport Infrastructure for the period 2007-2013, which is worth the 1.57 billion Euros, are primarily meant for modernisation or construction of new infrastructure in the field of environment and transport. The smaller share of these funds is also meant for the projects in the field of sustainable energy use. 
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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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