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EU funds for wastewater collection and treatment in Zgornja Sava river basin and in the area of Kranjsko polje and Sorško polje

Ljubljana, 16 August 2013 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the projects “Wastewater collection and treatment in Zgornja Sava river basin and in the area of Kranjsko polje and Sorško polje – 2nd set”. The value of the project, which is foreseen to be closed by the end of 2015, is estimated to 45.9 million Euros of which the contribution of the Cohesion Fund amounts to 29 million Euros.    
The project foresees the implementation of the investments in wastewater collection and treatment in the catchment area of the central wastewater treatment plant Kranj which includes part of the areas of the municipalities Šenčur and Naklo as well as the urban municipality Kranj. As the wastewater from the entire treated area is treated in one wastewater treatment plant the project also foresees modernising the central wastewater treatment plant Kranj with the capacity of 95,000 PE.  
The new system of wastewater collection and treatment will equip three agglomerations – Kranj, Bitnje – Žabnica and Kokrica, where the wastewater burden exceeds 2,000 PE. Also 7 smaller agglomerations will be equipped – three of them, namely Olševek, Hotemaže and Podbrezje, already have a secondary network but do not have a connecting channel. Part of the agglomerations Podbrezje – Srednja vas, Bistrica, Visoko and Luže will be additionally equipped with sewage network.    
Thus, 6,702 inhabitants from the catchment area of the central wastewater treatment plant Kranj will be connected to the new wastewater treatment system:
  • 5,908 inhabitants of the urban municipality Kranj
  • 473 inhabitants of the municipality Šenčur
  • 321 inhabitants of the municipality Naklo
The realisation of the project will contribute to the improvement of living conditions; also the emissions in the Zogrnja Sava river basin will be reduced for 6,702 PE.  
Document Actions
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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