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EU funds for wastewater discharge and treatment in the Vipava river basin

Ljubljana, 17 December 2012 – The Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding EU funds for the 1st set of discharge and treatment of wastewater in the Vipava river basin. The project, which is worth 6.3 million Euros, will be co-financed by the Cohesion Fund in the amount of 3.2 million Euros. 
The construction of a new central wastewater treatment plant Vipava with the capacity of 6,000 population units is planned in the framework of the project, which is part of the Operational Programme for Development of the Environmental and Transport Infrastructure for the period 2007–2013. The project is foreseen to close in December 2015. A sewerage system in the overall length of 9.5 kilometres with the attributing facilities will also be constructed.  
The new wastewater treatment plant will be used the discharge and treatment of the municipal wastewaters from Vipava and the neighbouring villages while the existing wastewater treatment plant with the capacity of 10,000 population units will be preserved for the treatment of industrial wastewaters from the neighbouring industrial plants. 
Namely, the technological wastewaters of the winery and the dairy represent the greatest difficulties in this area. These wastewaters cannot be treated by the existing wastewater treatment plant due to the great oscillations and biological burden. The superfluous part of the untreated wastewaters is spilled over into the river Vipava in the time of grape-harvesting.
Also, the existing wastewater treatment plant does not have the necessary capacity for all the neighbouring settlements in the municipality of Vipava to be connected to it. For these settlements, a central treatment at the central wastewater treatment plant Vipava is foreseen.      
The realisation of the project of wastewater discharge and treatment in the Vipava river basin will increase the number of newly-connected inhabitants to the public sewerage system (37 inhabitants). The project will also improve the quality of the waters and grounds as the quantity of harmful substances will decrease. This will contribute to the improvement of living and health conditions for the inhabitants. 
In the municipality Renče-Vogrsko and in a section of the municipality of Nova Gorica wastewater discharge and treatment is planned, namely In the framework of the 2nd set of the project.
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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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