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Specifični piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za delovanje naše spletne strani.
Ljubljana, 25 February 2014 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, acting as the Managing Authority for EU Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the call for proposals “New career perspectives II” which will be implemented by the Ministry of Culture. The ministry will allocate one million euros for the implementation of the call for proposals in 2014 and 2015 of which the European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85% or 850,000.00 euros.
The objective of the call for proposals is to co-finance projects under the “New career perspective II” aimed at raising the employment level, capacity building and social inclusion of the unemployed and self-employed youth as a specific social group. The call for proposals is divided into three sets, namely publishing, arts and cultural education, and art.
The first set promotes youth employment in publishing, mainly in e-publishing, borrowing and selling of e-books. The aim of the call for proposals is to enhance the number of Slovenian titles for e-books which are available for borrowing and purchase, as well as to enhance e-books accessibility.
The second set promotes employment of young artists or cultural professionals in deficit areas of arts and cultural education (film, theatre and modern dance). The aim is to provide additional expert training of young artists or young cultural professionals to perform cultural-educational activities in education and their implementation in various forms of cultural-educational activities in educational institutes throughout Slovenia. The objective of the call for proposals is the integration of young artists, cultural professionals, cultural institutions and educational institutes.
The third set promotes youth employment in the field of art, mainly ballet and modern dance. The aim is to enhance the quality of production and postproduction of modern dance, establish an ensemble of young ballet dances and enhance production in the field of art.
You can find more information on the Ministry of Culture website http://www.mk.gov.si/en/.