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European Commissioner Andor and Acting Director General of the EU Cohesion Policy Directorate, Vilfan at the Institute for Education and Cultural Activities BOB

Ljubljana, 18 September 2012 – In the framework of his visit in the Republic of Slovenia, the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Lászlo Andor, together with the Acting Director General of the EU Cohesion Policy Directorate at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), Matija Vilfan, also visited the premises of the Institute for Education and Cultural Activities BOB in Ljubljana, which is implementing the programme “Project learning for young adults”. 

The programme “Project learning for young adults”, which was co-financed by the European Social Fund, is a free-of-charge informal educational programme, which is targeted at the young between the age of 15 and 25, who have stopped their regular education. It is based on project work and enables the participants to acquire the knowledge and skills for every-day life (using the computer, communication skills, cooking, studying for exams, etc.). The programme encourages the participants to continue their education, to decide for another form of education or to look for a job. 
A special trait of the programme, the duration of which is 12 months, is taking into account the interests and skills of the participants, who take part in the planning of the programme content. With project work, which traverses from form to method, offers different methods of educating young adults and ensures that they will persist participating in the programme for a longer period of time. The programme is targeted at taking as much advantage as possible of the participants’ possibilities and overcoming the less encouraging impulses from the primary social environment. 
As was underlined by the Acting Director General Matija Vilfan, the experiences so far show that the programme is successful and in line with its set objectives. 
You can find more about the programme at http://www.zavod-bob.si/aboutus.php          
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