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European Social Fund co-finances the operation “Lifelong learning of principals - Training to run schools and kindergartens II”

On 14 November 2011 the Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy authorized the publication of a direct confirmation of the operation “Lifelong learning-Training principals to manage schools and kindergartens II”.


The intermediate body involved in the implementation of the public call for proposals is the Ministry of Education and Sports, the beneficiary is the National School of Leadership in Education.


Operation is partially financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Education and Sports. The operation is implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development in the period 2007-2013, priority Human resource development and lifelong learning, priority axis 3.1 Improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training.


The main objectives are:

- Preparation of expert meetings and training seminars for school principals and other professional staff and developing their professionalism

- Preparation and implementation of mentoring program of newly appointed principals

- Promote the exchange of research and good practice in the field of education

- Introduction of innovations and improvements in schools and kindergartens

- Systematic development of professionalism and professional development of principals and other leaders in education

- Creating a connection between the Ministry of Education, public institutions, principals and other educators

- Promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding, tolerance, solidarity, learning about other nations and countries in the European Union

- Training for principals and professional staff of schools and kindergartens in the area of contemporary forms of learning and teaching

- Preparation of materials and manuals for the management of schools and kindergartens

- Legal support and advice to principals

- Consulting in the field of financial management

- The introduction of asset management certificate.


The programme aims to improve education within the formal educational programmes of the education system in relation to increasing the employability skills as well as in connection with investing in knowledge and innovation, and establishing an attractive business environment, curricula, and install in teaching methods particularly those competencies that have a demonstrated impact on the ability to effectively engage in further studies or employment and the ability to search options employment in the labour market.


The operation will be implemented from 1 December 2011 to 31 August 2013.


The operation “Lifelong Learning principals - Training to run schools and kindergartens II 'is worth € 1,400,000.00, the EU contribution is € 1,190,000.00, national participation represents 15% of the project or € 210,000.00.

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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