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MEDT approved three public calls for proposals in the field of education and higher education

Ljubljana, 8 October 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved three public calls for proposals in the field of education and higher education. The overall value of the grant, which will be awarded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport for the implementation of the public call for proposals, is 10 million Euros. European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value.   

The overall value of the grant for the “Public call for proposals for the co-financing of the introduction of the model of determining and evaluating the informal knowledge in adult education from 2012 to 2014” is 650,400.00 Euros. European Social Fund contribution is 552,840.00 Euros. The introduction includes establishing the procedures and tools for determining and evaluating the informal knowledge in adult education in the framework of the organisations for adult education which operate in the area of the Slovenian statistical regions. After the implementation of the public call for proposals at least 14 applicants will be chosen for the introduction of the mentioned model, which means that at least one applicant will be chosen in each statistical region.      

The “Public call for proposals for the establishment of a system of quality assurance in higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia in the period 2012–2015” will co-finance the activities which develop or upgrade the system of quality in higher education institutions. The projects in the field of international evaluations or accreditations will be eligible to application. The subject of the public call is also a quality restructuring of the programme offer of higher education institutions. The public call for proposals will contribute to the development of the overall and with international standards coordinated system of quality assurance. The public call for proposals will support the improvement of the quality of the Slovenian higher education system which will also bring more modern and quality study programmes. The overall value of the grant for the co-financing in the framework of this public call for proposals amounts to a maximum of 5,200,000.00 Euros. European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value. 

The purpose of the “Public call for proposals to co-finance activities in the period 2012–2015, which promote the openness of the Slovenian higher education for the international environment” is to promote internationalisation of higher education, especially higher inclusion of foreign experts into the pedagogical and research process at the Slovenian higher education institutions. The public call for proposals will support the inclusion (employment) of foreign experts into the pedagogical and research process at higher education institutions in the Republic of Slovenia. The public call for proposals will also co-finance shorter guest appearances of foreign experts at the Slovenian higher education institutions, the organisation of international workshops with invited foreign experts and preparation or implementation of study programmes or their parts in foreign languages. Increased cooperation of the Slovenian higher education institutions with partners in the European and global space is the guideline for the development of a quality and internationally comparable higher education system. The overall value of the grant for this public call for proposal amounts to a maximum of 4,000,000.00 Euros. European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value. 

The public calls for proposals, which are implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for the period 2007–2013 (the basis for drawing on the European Social Fund), will be published by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport. You can find more information at http://www.mizks.gov.si/en/.  

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