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MEDT issued a decision awarding funds for the Public call for proposals to co-finance the implementation of regional scholarship schemes for the school/study year 2012/2013

Ljubljana, 10 October 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision awarding funds for the Public call for proposals to co-finance the implementation of regional scholarship schemes for the school/study year 2012/2013. In the framework of the public call for proposals the scholarships, which are awarded by the holders of the unified regional scholarship schemes of the self-governing local communities, will be indirectly co-financed. The overall value of the grant, awarded by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs – the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund – for the implementation of the public call for proposals amounts to a maximum of 4,700,000.00 Euros. European Social Fund contribution amounts to 85 percent of the value.  

The objective of the public call for proposals is to provide the employers in the region with adequately qualified workers for the transfer of new knowledge and technologies with the objective of accelerating the development of products and services. It is foreseen that with the help of the selected projects 250 employers will be included while 700 students of the individual educational programme will receive co-founding of the scholarship, namely from the school/study year 2012/2013 onwards until the conclusion of the educational process (but no more than by the conclusion of the school/study year 2014/2015).  

The entities eligible to apply to the public call for proposals are self-governing local communities, beneficiaries which were given the status of the regional development agency in accordance with the Promotion of Balanced Regional Development Act and those legal persons to which the responsibility to implement regional scholarship schemes was transferred.    

You can find more information at the web pages of the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund www.sklad-kadri.si/en/

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