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MEDT issued a decision for awarding the EU funds for waste water discharge and treatment in the Idrijca river basin

Ljubljana, 13 April 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, in the role of the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, issued a decision for awarding the EU funds for waste water discharge and treatment in the Idrijca river basin. The project worth over 10 million Euros is part of the Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development for the period 2007-2013. The Cohesion Fund contribution is 5.89 million Euros.   

In the framework of the project, which is foreseen to be realised by December 2015, the existing waste water treatment plant Idrija will be upgraded so its capacity will be 9,000 population units. With the objective of improving the quality of sewage discharge into the waste water treatment plant the existing sewerage system will be reconstructed and the missing part in Idrija in the length of 8.5 kilometres will be built.     

The upgrade of the sewerage system will increase the number of inhabitants connected to the public sewage system. Among other things, the quality of the ground and surface waters (Idrijca and Nikova) will improve as the quantity of harmful substances in the water will decrease which will improve the living and health conditions of the inhabitants of Idrija. With the adequate sewerage system the waste water will be discharged into the waste water treatment plant in a controlled manner which will, among other things, also prevent the uncontrolled discharge of waste water into the environment (surface and groundwater, the ground). 

The majority of the needed documentation for the project is already prepared. The easement rights from private owners of lands have already been acquired. It is foreseen that the procedures of public procurement will also close by the end of July. The construction of the sewerage and the waste water treatment plant is foreseen to be realised in the next two years. From the last third of 2014 and to September 2015 the waste water treatment plant will operate preliminary.    

The funds in the amount of 1.57 billion Euros in the framework of the Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development for the period 2007-2013 are primarily meant for the modernisation or construction of new infrastructure in the field of environment and transport. The smaller share of these funds is also meant for the projects in the field of sustainable energy use. 

The ministry responsible for the project is the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment in the role of the intermediate body. 

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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