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Meeting of the representatives of MEDT and the European Court of Auditors

Ljubljana, 1 October 2012 – Today, the Director-General of the EU Cohesion Policy Directorate at the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MEDT), Matija Vilfan, met with the representatives of the European Court of Auditors. In the framework of the regular annual meetings with the representatives of various institutions they, and the representatives of MEDT, visited the Research-Technological Centre of the company JUB Ltd. and discussed the views and plans of the European Court of Auditors regarding the implementation of audits in the field of EU Cohesion Policy.  

The Director-General, Matija Vilfan, underlined that Slovenia is in the phase of intense preparations for the EU Cohesion Policy programming period 2014–2020; therefore, the information on the views and plans of the European Courts of Auditors regarding the implementation of the audits in the field of EU Cohesion Policy is of key importance.

As he said it is crucial for a quality preparation and implementation of EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020 that the European Court of Auditors defines in advance the manner and methodology of checking the results, and, thus, the eligibility of expenditure in individual programmes and projects. He believes that the methodology needs to be clearly defined and predictable while it is also important that the audits on the use of EU funds follow the increased result-orientation.

MGRT suggested that the European Court of Auditors defines its position regarding all the new forms of financing and proving the eligibility of expenditure which are foreseen by the draft of the new EU Cohesion Policy legislative package. 

In the framework of the meeting the representative of MEDT and the European Court of Auditors visited the Research-Technological Centre of the company JUB Ltd., which was built with the help of the EU funds. Together with the company Mitol, the Centre was also successful in drawing on the European Regional Development Fund. For the 4,677,358.69 Euros worth project Active façade systems, the company gained 1,846,091.00 Euros of the EU funds. The mission of the company, which employs over 40 experts in the field of natural sciences and engineering, is to create innovative, energy efficient and user and environment friendly products and technology for the protection, rehabilitation and maintenance of buildings. To promote the transfer of knowhow and to faster develop services, products and technologies, the company focuses its activities also on the cooperation with educational institutions and partners from the economy, where the role of MEDT is also of extreme importance.








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