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Ministry of Economic Development and Technology issued a decision awarding EU funds for the project “Infrastructure of Metrology System – Amount of Substance/Waters”

Ljubljana, 20 June 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, directly approved the project “Infrastructure of Metrology System – Amount of Substance/Waters”. The overall value of the project, which is implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007–2013, is 121,071 Euros. European Regional Development Fund contribution is 102,910 Euros. 

The EU funds will enable the purchase of modern metrology equipment for the needs in the field of amounts of substance – water, namely:

  • high performance liquid chromatograph
  • nitrogen analyzer to carry out quantitative chemical analyzes of water samples in a manner  comparable to other metrology institutes in the European Union.

The equipment will enable the development of new and more powerful measurement procedures in the field of waters, which will be implemented by the National Institute of Chemistry. The newly-developed procedures will be used for chemical analyses in water samples and will enable traceability and dissemination of the values to a lower hierarchical level.     

In the field of measurement the European Union focuses on research for developing new and more powerful methods of measurement. The key objective is to assure good water quality in all EU watercourses by 2015. Water management within the basin, combined approach to the control of emissions and environmental quality standards and the application of economic tools to support environmental objectives is also of key importance.

The purchase of new instruments for the measurement methods in the field of liquid chromatography and determination of carbon and nitrogen compounds in the water samples is necessary. Otherwise, the introduction of new measurement procedures that are required for the full implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive will not be possible. 

With the help of the investment, Slovenia will reach the level of implementation of metrological activities comparable to other EU countries, namely in the field of liquid chromatography and determination of compounds of nitrogen. Implementation of the project will affect the modernization of research and development infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia, competitiveness in the global market and also better performance of tasks (accurate and reliable measurement) in the framework of the national metrology system.  

The project contributes to the realisation of the objectives of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Potentials for the period 2007–2013; priority axis “Economic development infrastructure”; main type of activity “Educational-research infrastructure”.  

Ministry of Economic Development and Technology – Metrology Institute – is responsible for the implementation of the project. 

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