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MEDT issued a decision for awarding the EU funds for the project “Intercompany Training Centre Pomurje”

Ljubljana, 6 April 2012 – Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, in the role of the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund, approved the project “Intercompany Training Centre Pomurje”. The overall project value in the framework of the Operational Programme for Strengthening Regional Development Differences for the period 2007-2013 is 2.06 million Euros. The European Regional Development Fund contribution is 1.7 million Euros.  


With the realisation of the investment the Intercompany Training Centre (ITC) Pomurje will get the adequate facilities to implement practical training for the needs of companies and tradesmen (the programmes of functional training, promotion of research in the area of alternative resources, the development of the production of prototypes and models using the CAD-CAM technologies, implementation of the measurements of the material characteristics for the needs of the companies, demonstrations). The existing facility will be reorganized with new classrooms and workshops while the new technological equipment will provide energetic self-sufficiency of the facility.        


It is foreseen that the training of secondary school pupils, students and adults will be implemented, namely in accordance with the programmes of secondary and higher professional training to prepare the candidates for national certificates examinations (National professional qualifications, specializations and master craftsman exam). 


In the context of connecting and upgrading the training process, identifying the needs of the environment and the transferring experiences from the sphere of the economy ITC Pomurje will connect with various participants – the Pomurje Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Craft and Small Businesses of Murska Sobota, the regional service of the Employment Service in Murska Sobota, etc. 


The investment will enable functional training for the needs of the environment, training of youth, students and adults, promotion of pupils’ interest for professional and technical training as well as the promotion of innovation and research activity.    


The ministry responsible for the project is the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport in the role of the intermediate body.  

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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