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The first set of EU resources for collection and treatment of waste water in the Ljubljanica basin

In October 2011 Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy issued a decision on the allocation of the EU funds for the first set of projects for the collection and treatment of waste water  in the Ljubljanica basin, namely in the municipalities of Borovnica, Brezovica, Cerknica, Logatec, Pivka, Postojna, Škofljica and Vrhnika. With the implementation of the project – which is worth 56 million Euros –  12,033 new residents will be connected to public sewer system. The project is part of the Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development for 2007-2013 and will be financed from the Cohesion Fund in the amount of 34.6 million Euros.


In the framework of the project, which is expected to be completed in December 2015, the construction or upgrading of seven wastewater treatment plants with total capacity of 75,700 population units is foreseen. The new treatment plants will be built in the municipalities of Borovnica, Brezovica and Pivka while the existing wastewater treatment plants in Cerknica Logatec, Vrhnika and Postojna will be upgraded. In addition to water treatment plants over 78 kilometres of sewer and 22 pump stations will be constructed.


The construction of a complete sewage system will reduce the amount of harmful substances in water and improve the quality of surface and underground water, which will contribute to improved living conditions and better health of people in these communities, as well as improve the economic infrastructure that will promote the economic development of the region including the development of living space.


The whole project of collection and treatment of waste water in the Ljubljanica basin is divided into two sets, both technically and financially independent. Also for the second set – in the framework of which the construction of the sewage treatment plants in municipalities Log-Dragomer and Cerknica is planned –co-financing from the Cohesion Fund is provided.


Resources of the Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure are primarily intended to upgrade or construct new infrastructure in the field of environment and transport, to a lesser extent also for projects in the field of sustainable energy.

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Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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