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Upcoming big information event on the EU Cohesion Policy in Slovenia

Developing with EU funds – cycling from Podčetrtek to Rogaška Slatina and back

8 September 2012, Podčetrtek – Rogaška Slatina 

 Join us on our cycling event – we will be cycling from Podčetrtek and Rogaška Slatina and back along the municipal roads and cycling paths co-financed by the EU funds. On our cycling tour we will make a few stops where the following co-financed projects will be presented: Multi-purpose sports hall and the Olimia spa centre in Podčetrtek and Ljudska univerza and Business Network Incubator Obsotelje and Kozjansko in Rogaška Slatina.  At the stands in Podčetrtek you will be provided with all the information on the EU funds, while the representatives of the Reuse centre will show you how waste is brought back to use in new forms.   

The cyclists will meet on Saturday, 8 September 2012, at 10 am at the Multi-purpose sports hall in Podčetrtek. The cycling tour is foreseen to end at 4 pm, followed by a short cultural programme in the Olimia spa centre. 

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The event is organised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology as the Managing Authority for the EU structural funds and the Cohesion Fund with the purpose of informing the public on the projects co-financed by the EU funds and the positive effects of the EU Cohesion Policy implementation in Slovenia. 

Together with the Slovenian Roads Agency the Ministry will take all the necessary safety measures – on-line application is, therefore, necessary to participate at the event. Cyclists should bring their own cycling equipment. In case of bad weather cycling will be cancelled and the presented project will be visited by road train. Participation at the event is free of charge. Participants will be provided with refreshments.  



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Document Actions
Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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