Logos for the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund together.
On the road Peršeti - Most na Soči there is a steep slope below Ključ where stones often roll or fall to the roadway and for this reason the asphalt roadway was pretty damaged. The Ministry of Transport, the Slovenian Roads Agency, took a decision to reconstruct this section so as to protect vehicles and people against falling stones.
The »Integrated municipal waste water collection and treatment and water source protection in the Savinja River Basin« project is the project that was issued the first decision concerning the absorption of funds from the Cohesion Fund in the programming period 2007-2013.
The e-administration portal wishes to establish better connection between the citizens and e-administration and better use of e-services.
Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy, as the Managing Authority, issued a decision on the allocation of funds for the realization of integrated public transportation. The more than 7.3 million Euros worth project is part of the Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development for the 2007-2013 programming period and will be financed from the Cohesion Fund in the amount of 6.2 million Euros.
Oct 13, 2011
Here you can find about the upcoming events related to Cohesion Policy implementation.