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Home  /  Legislation  /  Operational programmes  /  2007-2013  /  Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development

Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development

Document Actions

Operational Programme of Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Development represents the implementation document for drawing on the resources mainly from the Cohesion Fund but also from the European Fund for Regional Development. The objective of the OP is to improve the infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia. In the framework of the operational programme Slovenia has negotiated over 1.6 billion Euros which is almost 40 percent of all the negotiated funds of Slovenia for the period 2007–2013. These funds will finance the environmental projects in waste management, collection and treatment of urban waste water, drinking water supply reducing water damages, in sustainable use of energy and renewable energy sources and transport infrastructure projects, railway infrastructure, road and maritime infrastructure and airport infrastructure.    


The table shows the allocation of funds to priority axes

Priority axis /Main type of activity EU funds 2007-2013   (current prices) in EUR % OP
1. Railway infrastructure  449.567.581  27.5 
2. Road, maritime and airport infrastructure - KC   241.370.738  14.8 
3. Transport infrastructure - ERDF  224.029.886  13.7 
4. Municipal waste management  205.568.426  12.6 
5. Environment protection – water sector   325.483.339  19.9 
6. Sustainable use of energy  159.886.553  9.8 
7. Technical assistance – Cohesion Fund  29.693.221  1.8 
Altogether  1.635.599.744  100 


Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana

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