Enabling conditions are the necessary prerequisites for the use of Union support granted by the Funds and continue the approach of the ex-ante conditionalities introduced for the 2014-2020 funding period. Enabling conditions for the 2021-2027 period are fewer in number, but more focused to help improve the effectiveness of spending and clearer with fulfilment criteria detailed in annexes. The fulfilment of enabling conditions needs to be respected throughout the period. In case of non-fulfilment, no action plans will be required; however, Member States will not be able to send payment claims to the Commission for EU-funded projects related to unfulfilled preconditions. This will ensure that all co-financed projects and programmes are in line with the Union policy framework. In this context, the projects and programmes will have to be implemented in accordance with the applicable strategies and planning documents on which the enabling conditions will be based.
The documents listed in the table constitute the framework for enabling conditions and will be the subject of negotiations with the Commission on fulfilment of each particular enabling condition. The documents will be complemented by other sector-specific strategies. The enabling conditions should be set and valid until 2030 in accordance with the duration of the programming period so as to achieve, inter alia, alignment with Slovenian Development Strategy 2030.
GODC will monitor the progress in preparing the relevant documents which represent enabling conditions and will report on the monitoring results in its quarterly reports on the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020. The reports are available at https://www.eu-skladi.si/portal/sl/ekp/izvajanje/porocila-1 (in Slovene).