S piškotki izboljšujemo vašo uporabniško izkušnjo. Z uporabo naših storitev se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. V redu Piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo Kaj so piškotki?


Študenti in profesorji Fakultete za upravljanje, poslovanje in informatiko Novo mesto so pripravili projekt, ki zajema izračunavanje podatkov za zakonsko zahtevane parametre, izdelavo prototipa v programu Excel ter popolnoma funkcionalno spletno aplikacijo kot končni produkt. To pomeni dodano vrednost za delovanje majhnih in mikro živilskih podjetij. Hkrati je dodatno priznanje za trud študentov in mentorjev, pa tudi potrditev, da je spodbujanje sodelovanja med mladimi in gospodarstvom v tovrstnih projektih prava pot za razvoj.

Območje: Novo mesto

  • Okvirna vrednost projekta: 20.000 evrov
  • Okviren EU prispevek (Evropski socialni sklad): 16.000 evrov

The project was nominated by Sergej Gričar: ‘’The project delivers a practical solution which complies with the legislation and is a result of shared work between the academy, the students and the economy.’’

Students and professors at the Faculty of Business, Management and Informatics Novo mesto delivered a project that looked into the calculation of nutrition information according to set nutrition parameters, they ended up creating an Excel-supported prototype, and developed a fully functional online application as end-product. These project outputs have brought added value to day-to-day operation of micro and small-sized food sector enterprises. At the same time, project achievements, a result of shared efforts of students and professors, have received full recognition and confirmation that promotion of cooperation between the young and the economic sphere in similar projects is the right way forward towards growth and development.  

Area: Novo mesto

  • Indicative project value: EUR 20,000
  • Indicative EU contribution (ESF): EUR 16,000